When you think about it…why do we kill babies?

She deserves to grow up.

She deserves to grow up.

The annual Canadian commercial seal slaughter is well underway. The seals who are killed are babies, some as young as 3 weeks, most around 3 months old.

Yet we love babies. Or so we say. We love their cute faces—some with big eyes and oversized heads—and their gentle, helpless ways.

We are fractured in our love of babies as we also kill (or have killed) billions of baby animals. Baby chicks are slaughtered at 5-7 weeks of age, calves at 1-24 weeks of age, turkeys at 16-20 weeks of age, among other animals who lose their lives before their lives really begin.

Why? Really, seriously, when you think about it…why do we kill babies?

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